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Why Upgrade to Double Glazed Windows?

It might be the time to upgrade your windows to double-glazed if they have been draughty in the past. This will lower the cost of energy by decreasing heat loss and improving insulation.

They are also very durable, require minimal maintenance requirements, and offer enhanced security features. They are available in different styles, such as casement windows and sliding sash windows, to match different aesthetics and needs.


Double glazing in Leicester can last for up to 30 years. But the longevity of double glazing is contingent on the quality and construction, as well as regular maintenance. It is essential to compare prices from reputable firms, and then select the best product for your needs.

UPVC double glazed windows are designed to last and energy efficient, which makes them an ideal option for homeowners in Leicester. The multi-chambered design enhances the thermal efficiency and helps reduce heat loss, thereby saving you money on heating costs. They also prevent unwanted heat from entering your home during the summer, keeping it cool and comfortable.

If you're considering installing uPVC windows in your home, be sure to consider their ENERGY STAR rating. These ratings are based upon how much energy they save and range from G to A+. Choosing windows with an Aenergy rating of ++ will save you energy costs, and also help you make the most of the sun's energy to warm your home.

Double-glazed windows are constructed of two or more glass panes that have the layer of polyvinylbutyral (PVB) between them. This protects the window from shattering and keeps it in a well-insulated state. You can select between frosted or tinted glass depending on your preference. Upgrade your double-glazed windows to laminated glass or toughened.

While a double-glazed window is expensive but it's an investment for your home. In addition to reducing your energy expenses double glazing can increase the value of your home and make it more attractive to potential buyers. It will also help you save on repair and maintenance costs.

It is essential to fix double-glazed windows as soon as they are damaged. If you leave damage unattended, it can lead to water intrusion, which can cause costly mould and damp issues in your home. In certain cases replacing the damaged windows is your only option. If the frame that supports the dual glazed unit has been damaged and is in a bad state, it is unlikely you'll be able install an alternative.

Energy efficiency

Double glazing windows are an affordable solution to make your home more energy efficient. They help keep heat inside the home in the winter months and keep it from going out in summer. The windows block out noise from outside and make your home more comfortable and peaceful. It is essential to choose a reliable installer or manufacturer. This will increase the energy efficiency of windows. You can also consider the Window Energy Rating (WER) scale to assess various options. It is a basic grading system with A++ at the top and G at the bottom.

You can choose uPVC windows that are ideal for your home, and they are available in a broad range of styles and finishes. They are also more durable than wooden windows, and they won't rot or warp over time. They are also easier to clean, and require minimal maintenance. The uPVC material used in these windows is extremely strong, and it can endure extreme weather conditions.

It is recommended to purchase a double-glazed window from a manufacturer that provides an assurance. This will provide you with peace of mind knowing that your double-glazed windows will be installed properly and last for many years. You should also choose a local company that is trustworthy and has a great reputation. They can to provide you with a personal service and help you find the items you require for your home.

Whether you're looking for replacement windows or new double glazing, casement windows are an excellent choice. The casement window opens through the side hinge, allowing the opening of one or two panes. Its low cost and energy efficiency make it an excellent choice for homes located in conservation zones.

You can pick a white, woodgrain or slimline double-glazed windows to create a classic appearance. Its distinctive design gives it a sleek appearance that will complement any property, and it's easy to clean and maintain.

Low maintenance

Double glazing is among the most durable windows you can have installed in your home. They are resistant to corrosion and can withstand harsh Leicester weather conditions without degrading. They require less maintenance than wooden frames, and only require cleaning every now and then.

Double-glazed windows also increase the efficiency of your home's energy use, reducing your heating costs. The multi-chambered profile and the insulated glass units block cold air from entering your home, while keeping warm air inside. The insulation can also help reduce outside noise and makes your home a quieter home to live in.

UPVC is also a robust material that doesn't need regular painting to keep its appearance. This is a huge benefit for homeowners who don't want to spend money on regular painting and the ongoing maintenance that comes with it. UPVC is also resistant to moisture and temperature changes, making it ideal for damp or coastal areas.

While UPVC is durable, it is important to check your windows regularly to look for signs of wear. Some issues, like a draught, or condensation, are easily resolved, while others require replacement windows. It's best to consult an professional window installer if observe any of these issues.

Draughts from your double glazing could indicate that the seals on your window have failed. In some instances the issue can be fixed by sealing the windows and doors. If this does not work, you might need to replace the seals on your door or windows.

Another issue common to double-glazed windows is that they can cause scratches on the glass. It could be due to normal wear and tear, but can usually be cured in the event that it is not too deep. If windows and doors leicester is more serious, you should contact an expert in double glazing to assess the damage and find an answer.

Double-glazed windows can provide many advantages for homeowners, such as improved energy efficiency, less outside noise and improved security. They are easy to install and can be customized to suit a variety of styles, colours and finishes. They are also a good choice for homes located in conservation areas because they can be customized to blend seamlessly into traditional style houses.


Double glazing windows are a great option if you're looking to make your home more secure. They come with a variety of security options, including multi-point locking mechanisms and reinforced glass technology. These features help stop burglars from entering your home and keep your family secure. Upvc windows also come in various styles, making it simple to find the perfect fit for your home.

UPVC windows are a popular choice among Leicester homeowners because of their energy efficiency, enhanced security, and improved curb appeal. They're also easy to clean and can be customised to match the style of your home. It is important to choose a professional installer when choosing UPVC windows for your home. This will ensure that the windows are put in place correctly and that all security features are properly designed.

Another benefit of UPVC windows is that they provide greater insulation than single pane windows. They can reduce the amount of heat that escapes from your home during winter and will block hot summer air from entering and causing a reduction in energy bills. They also help reduce noise pollution. This is a great benefit for those living in areas that have noisy neighbors or roads that are busy.

With the unpredictable weather in the UK, Leicester residents are constantly looking for ways to keep a comfortable temperature in their homes. Dual glazing is a perfect solution as it eliminates the need for excessive heating in winter and cooling in summer which can help homeowners save money on their energy bills as well as reducing carbon emissions.

Whether you're in need of new windows for your contemporary or traditional property, you can trust the experts at Phair Windows and Glass to install double glazing that is rated. Our windows are available in a variety of styles, from traditional to bay windows. They come with a lifetime guarantee. Our team is dedicated to providing quality service and making sure we satisfy our customers. For more information get in touch with us today to receive an obligation-free, no-cost quote. We service customers throughout the greater Leicester area including Ibstock and Bushby. We're happy to answer any questions you may have and help you select the right windows for your home.

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