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10 Easy Steps To Start The Business Of Your Dream Renault Key Business
Renault Key Card Replacement Cost

Renault key cards feature multi-purpose buttons which can be used to control a wide range of functions, including the ability to lock and activate lights and horns. They can also be used to set the car alarm. These buttons are extremely useful, but they can be frustrating when they stop working.

First designed by Renault 20 years ago the hands-free card has been through many changes. This is how it has changed the way we travel.

How does it work

When the Renault hands-free card was launched in the year 2000, it was envisioned to be a fantastic accessory that would allow motorists to unlock their vehicles without the need to remove the ignition key or reach for their keys. But over the years Renault has been continuously working to make this key feature even more efficient and user-friendly.

The first version of the hands-free card first introduced in 2001 with the Laguna II saloon as a practical alternative to the remote car key or key fob. Renault designers were inspired by this idea when a product manager witnessed a hotel customer use the card to open and close the door with their room key. The hands-free card that was created was so popular, it was made available to two of three Renault vehicles, including the Espace minivan and Vel Satis minivan.

If you have ever used a card style key to start your Renault and noticed that the buttons on the key don't function, it could mean that the card has internals that are defective. renault key card is a typical issue that is triggered because of the constant use and the constant pressure on the tiny circuitry inside the card.

UK Auto Locksmiths keep a variety of Renault keys and cards on hand and are often able to cut and program a new one as soon after receiving your phone call. This is a far better option rather than having to return to the dealership and waiting for weeks until the new key arrives from France.


Renault key cards allow you to control your car's various functions without touching anything. They allow you to unlock doors, activate lights and horns in order to draw attention, and even set off alarms to discourage thieves. They also have the ability to set limits on speed as well as the volume of the audio system and other measures designed to increase safety for drivers.

The hands-free card was first created by Renault in 1998 and has since become an enormous hit with consumers around the globe. Initially seen as a gadget worthy of a 007 movie this tiny device - just larger than a credit card - has revolutionized the driving experience and redefined standards for comfort.

The hands-free card is one of the most popular automobile accessories around the world, and it's popularity doesn't seem to be waning as of 2021. it was incorporated in three of the Renault vehicles. In the future, it could even replace smartphones.

Renault key cards might have problems, such as not being recognized once inserted in the reader or showing the message "insert" or "card detected". Locksmiths can resolve these issues. A key card can only be programmed once for a particular car. A locksmith can provide a replacement for your Renault key card and offer this service at only a fraction of the cost that dealerships typically charge.


Renault key cards have a very unique look and feel. They function in the same way as keys for cars that are chipped, but with one major distinction, they are able to open and begin the car without opening the door lock. They are able to do this because they are equipped with an internal transponder chip that transmits a signal the immobiliser system, allowing it to start the engine.

These cards can be quite a snare to lose. Luckily for most people, they can be replaced at just a fraction of the price that is charged by dealerships. Locksmiths who are certified can repair your Renault key card and fix any other issues.

Many people believe that the only option for replacing the lost Renault key card is to visit a local dealer and place an order through them. This can be a long process that may prevent you from driving for a whole day or for a few days while you wait for the key. A professional auto locksmith will be able replace your lost Renault card the very same day you lose it. This will save you time and money. They can also repair any issues that you may experience with your Renault keycard, like cracked or damaged board.


Renault key cards let users to turn on the car alarm, ignition and other systems without physically touching the vehicle. They can also lock the doors, turn the lights on and even trigger the car's horn to draw people's attention. This convenience comes with a cost: if you lose the Renault key card, it could cost you a significant amount to replace.

Hiring a locksmith is one of the most effective ways to get a replacement Renault card for less. They have the skills and equipment needed to make an replacement key card for renault in Dublin for just a fraction of the price you'd pay at a dealership. But, it is important to examine prices to ensure that you're getting the best price.

Renault key cards may cease to function for a variety of reasons. Some common issues include the message "insert key card", or "card not recognized". These problems typically mean that the chip inside of the key card is damaged. It is possible to have the chip repaired, however this can be costly and will not always work.

It is best to replace your key card as quickly as you can or unless you have a spare Renault. If you are waiting too long, you could not be able to start your car.

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